About Me image
Lets get to what you want to know... You need a  fast turn a round time.

I try to get jobs done as soon as possible upon a confirmed booking. You need a custom demo at very short notice....no problem.

You need a job to work within your budgets where possible.

Lets have a negotiation, either of us can say no at any point with no hard feelings I tend to use the GVAA rate card you can check it out before we even talk money

You can dial into my studio with Zoom, Skype or phone patch whichever you are most comfortable with.

You can direct or just give pointers if thats easier for you.

Any questions at all please just drop me an email. If I can help I will.

A bit about me....
I first trained with Gary Tezzra (VO Masterclass) and recently trained with Voice Director Everett Oliver ( The Simpsons, King Of The Hill and so many more ! ) and the Voiceover Game legend Dave Fennoy at his own home studio in Los Angeles
I have also attended Kate Harbour's Animation class which was an amazing experience ! she is wonderful.

I have a range of talent exclusive to my studio so pleas just contact me if there is a specific kind of voice you are looking for or impersonation, accent etc etc.

Clients Include: Jaguar /Landrover, Sales Force, Mastercard, Walls, Ebay, Asda, Boots, DeLoitte, Adult Swim, Amazon Prime, Netflix, Ocean Credit, Leapfrog, Spinmaster, McMillan, Kia Cars, Screen, Screen X and many more 

Other places I am represented are www.icantalk.co.uk   talk to the wonderful Miss Katie Matthews

My current Game Demo reel is on https://thevoiceelysium.com/ just look on the male voices for Paul Dela Ross

I am also the Production Manager for The Amazing Bavarian Stompers the industry standard in Comedy Bavarian Entertainment ! www.abs-shows.com

I can also be found on Spotlight


and IMDb : 

https://www.imdb.com/name/nm10295621/?ref_=fn_al_nm_1 Paul Delaross